Why is a username and password required to unlock the app?
This is a special pre-release version of Spiritual Sleep Therapy that is only available through selected employers. Therefore, only this username and password will unlock the app.
Will this offer ever be available again?
No. When the app becomes available to the general public, the Lifetime unlimited subscription price will be $149. This special one-time offer represents a savings of $119.
Can other family members share the subscription access?
Only the person subscribing receives the Lifetime Unlimited Access. If other family members wish to subscribe, they should purchase their own subscription.
What does the Lifetime Unlimited Access subscription include?
Lifetime unlimited access to all future sleep sessions for no additional charge, including all future versions, features and sleep product discounts.
Who do we contact if we have a question about the app?
We may be contacted at contact@spiritualsleeptherapy.
How do we request a refund under the money back guarantee?
If, after using the app for 12 months, you are not sleeping much better and growing in your relationship with Christ, simply request a refund at contact@spiritualsleeptherapy.