Thank you

for sharing your thoughts.

We are here to help you find freedom from insomnia so you can achieve your God-given destiny.

As a token of our appreciation, please choose one of these special gifts:

Upcoming Sleep Sessions

Here are some of the sleep sessions in development that will be available to you in the Lifetime Unlimited Sleep Session Library access.

Freedom From Financial Worry

Overcoming Depression

Freedom From Pornography

Freedom From Opioid Addiction

Freedom From Alcohol Addiction

Next Steps After Beginning With God

Overcoming Discouragement At Night

God Is In Control So You Can Sleep

Peace In The Storm

Physical Realities and Spiritual Realities

What Is Faith?

Freedom From Fear

Setting Your Mind On The Things Above

Trusting God with Your Children

When Your Child Is In Trouble

Letting Go Of Control

Exciting New Series For Women: Transforming Your Identity

We are excited to announce this upcoming new series that is specifically created to help women trade negative identities for the beautiful ones God has given them. Below are some of the topics of the new series:

When I Feel:

  • Unloved – Embracing The Love Of God
  • Unworthy – Embracing The Grace Of God
  • Anxious / Fearful – Embracing The Sovereignty Of God
  • Inadequate / Stressed – Embracing The Sufficiency Of God
  • Disappointed / Bitter – Embracing The Plan Of God
  • Unhappy / Depressed – Embracing The Goodness Of God

Lifetime Unlimited Access

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